Therapeutic & Supportive Classes to Help Improve Abilities and Quality of Life After Brain Injury
Schurig Center provides classes on-site, but many of our programs are also offered remotely via Zoom or phone. All of our classes are facilitated by trained professionals with experience in the field of brain injury or whose training is applicable to the needs of our clients. Services are offered at affordable rates and scholarships are available by application for those in need.
Connect with us today. You don’t need a doctor’s referral!
For more information and current class availability, please contact our office at (415) 461-6771 or email Our Intake & Resource Coordinator will connect with you to discuss your interests and determine which classes or services might be of most benefit to you.
Current Classes & Groups
Click class name for more information or scroll down.
- Aphasia Communication Group
- Art Therapy: Creating Connections Through Art & Community
- CogEX Computer-Based Class
- CogSMART: Cognitive System Management & Rehabilitation Therapy
- CORE Program (Golden Gate Regional Center eligible)
- Post-Concussion Education Class
- Holistic Life Skills Online Community
- Support Groups for Survivors & Family Caregivers
Aphasia Communication Group
Re-engage in life with more confidence!
Do you have trouble expressing yourself?
Do feel that you are misunderstood or not heard?
Would you like to speak with more confidence?
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed during conversations?
This class can help! Facilitated by a speech therapist with decades of experience, this fun and interactive class provides the opportunity for individuals who have experienced a stroke, TBI, or other brain injury to learn and practice communication strategies with peers. This course is offered in a supportive, small group setting and is designed to:
- Bridge the gap between speech therapy and engaging in conversations in the real world.
- Provide opportunities for social participation with a variety of conversation partners.
- Practice communication strategies, including listening skills and body language.
- Observe successful strategies used by others.
- Offer and receive support from peers.
- Improve connections with friends, family, and your community.
“The support and understanding from other participants is awesome.”
“This course is the best thing I’ve done for my recovery.”
– Aphasia Communication Group participants
Kalynn Stewart, MS/CCC-SLP, a licensed speech therapist specializing in stroke and brain injuries. Kalynn has worked in rehabilitation of individuals with complex neurological impairments in the hospital, outpatient, and community setting for over 20 years.
Information & Registration
For more information and current class availability, please contact Schurig Center at (415) 461-6771 or
Art Therapy: Creating Connections Through Art & Community
While modern medicine rehabilitates the body on a functional level, expressive art is rehabilitation for the soul and the brain. When a person experiences a brain injury, it can feel as though their whole world has fallen to pieces. But, feelings of loss can be replaced with new possibilities. The creative process enables this healing to start. It can help to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This 10-week class for brain injury survivors is a creative journey of personal exploration using a variety of art materials. You don’t have to be an ‘artist’ to experience the many benefits of Art Therapy, including:
- Opportunity for self-expression and processing of grief and emotions
- Reduced stress
- Managing behaviors and feelings
- Improved memory, problem-solving and motor skills
- Increased self-confidence
- Improved communication skills and opportunity for social interaction
- Peer support is often one of the most important benefits of this group
Midge Casler, MA and Shari Weiser, MA, AMFT are art therapists experienced in facilitating art groups with people with special needs. They have a passion for helping people discover and benefit from the healing power of the creative process. Midge is graduate of the California College of Arts & Crafts and holds a Master’s degree in Psychology and Art Therapy. Shari earned an MA in Art Therapy from Dominican University.
Information & Registration
For more information and current class availability, please contact Schurig Center at (415) 461-6771 or
CogEX Computer-Based Cognitive Therapy
A unique way to improve a range of cognitive abilities using fun, interactive exercises on your computer.
The CogEx course utilizes Neuropsychonline, an online, computer-based cognitive enhancement program developed by clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Odie L. Bracy, PhD. With the use of a variety of interactive exercises, individuals who have experienced a stroke, TBI, or other brain injury are able to improve their cognitive abilities in the areas of:
- Logic
- Attention
- Concentration
- Information processing
- Memory
- Visuospatial skills
- Problem solving
- Communication
Course participants partner with the facilitator to create a program of exercises designed specifically to address their goals. Each week, participants benefit from two 30-minute one-on-one instruction sessions with the facilitator using Zoom. In between instruction sessions, each participant continues to work independently at home to complete exercises.
“The problem solving and brain exercises of this program have definitely helped my concentration and memory. It has enabled me to continue working and being independent. I am very grateful for this opportunity.”
– Theresa R., CogEx participant
Ducie Wagner, brings decades of teaching experience, including 10 years at Schurig Center and over 20 years at College of Marin.
Information & Registration
For more information and current class availability, please contact Schurig Center at (415) 461-6771 or
CogSMART: Cognitive System Management & Rehabilitation Therapy
Learn and practice strategies to help improve your abilities for everyday activities in a supportive setting with peers.
CogSMART is a cognitive training course designed to help people with a range of injuries perform better in everyday activities and reach their school, work, social, and daily living goals. This course’s curriculum is based on the CogSMART program originally designed by Dr. Elizabeth Twamley, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist and professor at UC San Diego.
Offered in small groups, this class provides the opportunity for individuals to learn and practice strategies to manage the tasks of daily life in a supportive setting with peers. This training helps make these skills become habits, so they can be used automatically and easily when they are needed in the real world. This course aims to improve abilities in:
- Prospective memory (remembering to do things)
- Attention and concentration (ability to focus)
- Learning and memory
- Problem-solving
- Planning and organization
- Cognitive flexibility
“This class helped me in so many ways. I feel more organized and am able to remember more of what I need to get done each day. The coping tools are easy to learn and apply in everyday life.”
– CogSMART participant
Kalynn Stewart, MS/CCC-SLP, a licensed speech therapist specializing in stroke and brain injuries. Kalynn has worked in rehabilitation of individuals with complex neurological impairments in the hospital, outpatient, and community setting for over 20 years.
Information & Registration
For more information and current class availability, please contact Schurig Center at (415) 461-6771 or
CORE Program
A unique combination of therapeutic classes to help participants enhance their abilities, create relationships, and adjust to life after injury. Modalities include expressive art therapy, communication, life skills building, support group, and others. Participants enroll in classes of their choice. This program addresses the long-term functional needs of each participant and classes are designed to be interconnected and to build upon skills learned in each class. This program provides an individual with the opportunity to:
- Improve interpersonal and communication skills
- Learn how to manage behavioral challenges
- Learn strategies to adjust to life post injury
- Improve core life skills
- Increase community engagement and social inclusion
Classes are offered throughout the day, Monday to Thursday. Enrollment fees for the CORE Program may be North Bay Regional Center and Golden Gate Regional Center eligible.
Midge Casler, MA, Jasmine Yaghutiel, BA, and Shari Weiser, MA Midge Casler is the Art Program Director at Schurig Center, where she has run art groups for over 10 years. She uses the art process to help people navigate the challenges they often experience due to an injury, while fostering a sense of safety in a supportive community. Jasmine Yaghutiel, BA brings to the team education in cognitive science and experience teaching students of all ages with special needs. Shari Weiser is an artist and art facilitator with a passion for working with a variety of populations, including adults and children with special needs.
Information & Registration
For more information and current class availability, please contact Schurig Center at (415) 461-6771 or
Post-Concussion Education & Support Class
Learn how to navigate healing after a concussion.
Concussion is known as a “mild traumatic brain injury” (mTBI). However, a concussion can be a serious and frequently life-changing condition that can cause a range of symptoms. Often in the days and weeks, and even months, following a concussion, there is much uncertainty regarding the course of recovery. The Post-Concussion Education & Support Class is designed to help people who have experienced a concussion better understand the effects of the injury and more successfully navigate life after injury. This class is facilitated by a neuropsychologist and offered in a supportive group setting In this course, participants will learn about:
- The latest information regarding concussion and the recovery process.
- Resources to support recovery from a concussion.
- Coping strategies to help you more successfully navigate the symptoms and effects of a concussion.
“This group was really helpful in validating my symptoms and educating my family.”
– Post-Concussion Class participants
Dr. Jim Wilson, PhD, a licensed neuropsychologist specializing in concussion and brain injury for almost 30 years.
Information & Registration
For more information and current class availability, please contact Schurig Center at (415) 461-6771 or
Holistic Life Skills Online Community
Progress toward your recovery goals after brain injury with helpful information and guidance provided by neuro professionals.
Hosted by neurological rehabilitation professionals, the Holistic Life Skills Online Community provides information, resources, and tools to help people recover from brain injury. Information is also available to support caregivers and care partners. Schurig Center is pleased to offer access to this valuable resource free of charge for our clients in partnership with Holistic Life Skills. Membership to the Holistic Life Skills Online Community includes:
- Access to qualified practitioners
- Therapy tips and strategies
- Courses, workshops, and a library of therapy resources
- Opportunity to connect with and learn from others in recovery and other care partners
- Live events with neurology professionals
- Book Club
- Tips on how to become a therapeutic caregiver